Chapter 10 - The challenge of Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking 1990-2011


LO: Peace-making between Israel and the Palestinians, successes and obstacles.
Karima Ranieri
Flashcards by Karima Ranieri, updated more than 1 year ago
Karima Ranieri
Created by Karima Ranieri over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When did the US open secret talks with the PLO? December 1988
What did Yasser Arafat, chairman of the PLO, finally do? Reject terrorism and spoke in favour of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel. In other words: He recognised the state of Israel.
How did the Israeli's view Arafat's announcement? A propaganda exercise PLO = terrorist organisation Israeli prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir, not open to peace talks.
What was the state of the Soviet Union after the Cold War? What did this mean for the Arab countries, US and Israel? - Soviet Union was growing weak/collapsing - Could no longer support the Arab states strongly - Russia was seeking US financial aid - Now, Arab leaders would not be able to rely on the Soviet Union for arms and money - US government had the economic upper hand - September 1991, US president threatened to withhold $10 billion of loans to Israel.
What was spoken about in the Madrid conference 1991? - They realised they would gain more from peace than making war. - Israeli leader, Yitzhak Shamir, was still intransigent. - Americans called on the Israelis to stop building more settlements in the occupied territories or face the risk of losing their financial aid.
In 1992, what government was voted into power? What did they promise? - A more moderate government was voted into power - This new government promised to work for peace with the Palestinians.
When did the Oslo Accord take place? 1993 14 sessions of talks, held over 8 months
What happened between Arafat and Rabin in September 1993? They exchanged letters
What did Arafat state in his letter? - He rejected the use of terrorism. - He called for an end to the Intifada and recognised 'the right of Israel to exist in peace and security.'
What did Rabin state in his letter? He recognised 'the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people'
When did the two leaders sign the Oslo Accord agreement and what did it entail? 13th September 1993 - It paved way for a step-by-step approach towards self-government for the Palestinians.
What was agreed between the Israeli and Palestinian leaders? - Israeli troops would be withdrawn from Gaza and parts of the West Bank. - Elections would be held for a Palestinian Authority to run the West Bank and Gaza for five years. - During these five years, a final settlement would be discussed.
What did the Israelis do in 1994? Withdrew their troops from Gaza.
When was the Oslo Accord II? 1995
What was agreed? - Elections to the Palestinian Authority would finally be held. - Israeli forces would withdraw from major Palestinian towns. - Palestinian prisoners would be released from Israeli jails.
When was the Israel-Jordan peace treaty and what did it entail? 1994 Settled their disputes over their borders. Jordan recognised the state of Israel and opened up trade and other links.
What were the problems of peace-making? - The future of Jerusalem - Jewish settlements in the occupied territories - An independent Palestinian state - Right to return
Why did the peace process slow down? - Regardless of the Oslo Accords, Israelis kept building Jewish settlements in the occupied territories. - This involved the seizure of Palestinian land and often demolition of their homes. - It also meant the building of roads which cut through Palestinian areas and were only for Jewish use. - And wells provided water only for Jewish settlements.
What did Palestinian frustration lead to? Their support for the HAMAS
What event paved way for an increase support for the HAMAS in 1994? When Baruch Goldstein, a Jewish settler, went on the rampage and killed 29 Palestinians at a mosque in Hebron (West Bank).
What happened when the HAMAS embarked on a campaign of suicide bombings? Israeli troops returned to areas in Gaza and West Bank and imposed curfew on towns. Israelis further closed border crossings between Israeli and the occupied territories.
What happened in November 1995? - 150,000 Israelis gathered in Tel Aviv for a peace rally. - Main speaker = Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin - Yigal Zamir shot Rabin who died.
What government was elected six months after the death of Rabin? What did they oppose? In May 1996, a new government was elected, it opposed to Oslo peace process and blocked any further negotiations with Arafat and the Palestinian authority. - New Israeli Prime Minister = Binyamin Netanyahu.
What did the Israeli government give the go ahead to in February 1997? - 6500 new homes on Arab land in east Jerusalem.
In 1999 there was another change of government in Israel. Who was elected? The moderate government led by Ehud Barak.
What did the US president, Bill Clinton, do? - Wanted to revive the peace process. - Invited the Israeli and PLO leaders to Camp David in the USA in July 2000.
What did Barak offer? - He offered the Palestinians a deal that would have given them Gaza and most of the West Bank. - Agreed to partition the city of Jerusalem.
What could not be resolved? - Who controlled the holy sites of Jerusalem - The right of Palestinian refugees to return to Israel
How did the second intifada break out? - On 28th September 2000, Ariel Sharon made a tour of the Dome of the Rock. - He was accompanied by over 1000 police officers. - The visit was seen as highly provocative.
How many Palestinians did the Israeli troops shoot? Within a month. 127 Palestinians had been killed.
Between 1993 and 2000, what percentage increase was there in the number of Jewish settlers in occupied territories? 77%
Injustice of land How did the Palestinians in Gaza feel? - In Gaza there were a million Palestinians, half of them in refugee camps and dependent on UN handouts. - There were only 6500 Jewish settlers but they controlled a third of the land and most water supplies.
Injustice of land How did the Palestinians feel in the West Bank? - 400,000 Jewish settlers - Tens of thousands of troops - Over 2 million Palestinians - Israelis controlled 70% of land and complete control of water and electricity - Israelis controlled main roads, restricted movement of Palestinians.
Who was elected Prime minister in 2001? Ariel Sharon
What happened in March 2002? 29 Israelis killed in a HAMAS suicide bombing.
How did Israel react? - Israeli troops and tanks carried out raids inside Palestinian towns and refugee camps on the West Bank and Gaza. - Targeted the Palestinian militants. - Women, children and family members were also killed.
How many people died by May 2003? Over 2000 Palestinians and 760 Israelis
What was the road map to peace? - George Bush published the road map for peace in April 2003 - It outlined a timetable for moves towards a Palestinian state. - First phase depended on an end to Palestinian bombings and Israeli raids on Palestinian towns and to settlement building.
What did the Israeli government announce in April 2004? - That it would evacuate all Jewish settlers and troops from Gaza.
When did Arafat die and who was he succeeded by? - Died in November 2004 and was succeeded by Mahmoud Abbas.
What did Abbas persuade the Palestinian militant in February 2005, what did this pave way for? - To halt their bombing - Israeli and Palestinian leaders met in Egypt and announced mutual ceasefire.
What happened in 2005 (finally)? Jewish settlers and troops withdrew from Gaza.
When did HAMAS win Palestinian elections? 2006
Fighting in Gaza 2008 - HAMAS vs Fatah - HAMAS destroyed Fatah's headquarters and drove Fatah forces out of Gaza. - Since then. HAMAS has dominated Gaza while Fatah ran the Palestinian-controlled parts of the West Bank.
What did Israeli do? What did they control up until this point? - Sealed the border between Gaza and Israel - Controlled movement of both people and goods, by land, air and sea. - The 1.4 million inhabitants of Gaza were virtually imprisoned.
What happened in 2008? - Rockets from Gaza into southern Israel. - Israelis retaliated. - While 13 Israelis were killed, over 1400 Gazans lost their lives, including more than 300 children.
Why did the peace process stall once more? In 2009, Binyamin Netanyahu became prime minister of Israel again. - Building of Jewish settlements accelerated.
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