Boer War - Key Individuals


A-Levels History (Boer War) Flashcards on Boer War - Key Individuals, created by elspeth on 18/05/2013.
Flashcards by elspeth, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elspeth about 11 years ago

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Question Answer
Cecil Rhodes Kimberly diamond millionaire and 6th Prime Minister of the Cape Colony
Paul Kruger President of the Transvaal from 1883
Alfred Milner British High Commissioner from 1897
Alfred Beit One of the richest Rand mine owners
Rudyard Kipling Empire writer/poet e.g. (Absent minded beggar)
Robert Baden-Powell Hero at the Siege of Mafeking. Also established the boy scouts upon his return from the war.
Field Marshall Lord Roberts Arrived as overall British commander on February 27th 1900
Sir Redvers Buller British commander in South Africa at the start of the war. He was replaced by Lord Roberts in February 1900
Winston Churchill War correspondent for The Morning Post on a salary of £250 a month
David Lloyd George Most famous anti-war liberal and Prime Minister from 1916
Kier Hardie Argued imperialism was the product of capitalism
Emily Hobhouse Visited Bloemfontain concentration camp in 1901. Also the producer of the Hobhouse report which revealed information about the conditions in concentration camps.
Millicent Fawcett Led the concentration camp committee of enquiry in July 1901. Her findings corroborated what Hobhouse had said about conditions.
Louis Botha Elected Prime Minister of the Transvaal in 1907
Lord Esher Responsible for the 1904 report on army reform.
Richard Haldane Reforming War Minister 1906-1912. Responsible for the Haldane Reforms.
Herbert Asquith Liberal imperialist. Prime Minister from 1908 to 1916
Alfred Harmsworth Established the Daily Mail in 1896
George Cadbury Quaker who strongly opposed the war.
J.A Hobson Argued imperialism was the product of capitalism
Tommy Atkins Nickname of British Infantry soliders
Jan Smuts Boer Prime Minister of South Africa, influential in WWII
Henry Campbell-Bannerman June 1901 'Deliberate methods of barbarism' speech.
Sir George White Defeated at Spion Kop, then relieved Ladysmith.
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