Perfil del docente innovador TIC


Mapa mental del perfil docente
Jorge Fernandez Castro
Mind Map by Jorge Fernandez Castro, updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Fernandez Castro
Created by Jorge Fernandez Castro over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Perfil del docente innovador TIC
  1. Flexible, adaptable
    1. académicas
      1. Profesional en su carrera
        1. Con experiencia previa
        2. Sociales
          1. Empáticos
            1. Capacidad Oratoria
            2. Psicológicas

              Media attachments

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              Perfil del docente innovador TIC
              M.A. G.O.
              Perfil del docente innovador TIC
              Luis Meléndez Guerrero
              Physics - Energy, Power & Work
              Statistics Key Words
              Culan O'Meara
              GCSE AQA Biology - Unit 3
              James Jolliffe
              GCSE AQA Biology 1 Adaptations, Competition & Environmental Change
              Lilac Potato
              AQA Biology 12.1 cellular organisation
              Charlotte Hewson
              History- Medicine through time key figures
              Memory-boosting tips for students
              Micheal Heffernan
              Tips for Succeeding on the Day of the Exam
              Jonathan Moore
              General Pathoanatomy Final MCQs (301-400)- 3rd Year- PMU
              Med Student