Cognitive Influences on Language Learning


The cognitive factor is one of the variables in a learner when learning a Second or a Foreign Language.
Marce Hernández
Mind Map by Marce Hernández, updated more than 1 year ago
Marce Hernández
Created by Marce Hernández almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Cognitive Influences on Language Learning
  1. 1. Intelligence
    1. Gardner's (1985) Multiple Intelligences
      1. The G factor
      2. 2. Language Aptitude Components
        1. Caroll and Sapon's (1959) Modern Language Aptitude Test
          1. Phonetic coding ability
            1. Grammatical sensivity
              1. Inductive language learning ability
                1. Rote learning ability
              2. 3. Cognitive style
                1. Learning Styles
                  1. Field Independence / Dependence Variables
                    1. Reid's (1987) Perceptual learning
                    2. 4. Ellis' (1985) Learning strategies
                      1. Direct
                        1. Memory
                          1. Cognitive
                            1. Compensation "Help wanted"
                            2. Indirect
                              1. Social
                                1. Affective
                                  1. Metacognitive
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