Tripanossoma Cruzi


Mind Map on Tripanossoma Cruzi, created by Greyce Kelly on 19/09/2016.
Greyce Kelly
Mind Map by Greyce Kelly, updated more than 1 year ago
Greyce Kelly
Created by Greyce Kelly about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Tripanossoma Cruzi
  1. Epimastigota: Esta no barbeiro
    1. Tripomastigota: ele defeca na pele no humano, forma infectante
      1. Amastigota: forma que esta na celula cardiaca
        1. Tripomastigota sanguineo: liberada na corrente sanguinea
    2. Sintomas
      1. Aguda: Sinal de romanã, febre, cefaleia
        1. Cronica: Cardiomegalia, mega esofago, megacolon
        2. Tratamento: Benzonidazol
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