Birth Control Methods_1_1


Mind Map on Birth Control Methods_1_1, created by malikareid on 19/01/2014.
Mind Map by malikareid, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by malikareid over 10 years ago
Copied by malikareid over 10 years ago
Copied by malikareid over 10 years ago
Copied by malikareid over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Birth Control Methods_1_1
  1. Hormornal
    1. Vaginal ring


      • it is a small flexible ring a woman onserts into her vagina onece a month so she doesnt get pregnant. its left in for 3 weeks and out for one week. the ring realeases hormones called estrogen and progestin. the hormones keep the eggs from leaving the ovaries thus no baby. if the vaginal ring is used right it is 99% effective if not used properly its only 90% effective.  some side effects include bleeding in between periods, breast tenderness, and nausea or vomitting. you can get the nuva ring some drug stores or clinics but you have to get an exam first which cost 35-250$ depending. the ring cost 15-80$ a month. it may not be so effective to teens because of the side effects and cost but for the sake of not getting pregnant it may be effective.
      1. The patch


        • the patch is a thin,beige,plastic patch that you put on a females skin it realeases the hormones estrogen and prgestin that keeps the eggs from leaving the ovaries it also make the cevical mucus thicker which prevents sperm from reaching the eggs both of which prevent pregnancy. it is 99% effective for those who use it right 91% for those who dont. in order to get the patch you need to get checked by your docter first in some cases you may need a medical exam if so so that cost 35-250$. the patch alone for one month costs about 15-80$. For teens it might be sutible but only if you can afford it and use it properly.
        1. The pill


          • the pill aka oral contraception is a birth control method that woman take daily. its like an emergency back up if the condom breaks and your on the pill it may prevent it. some pills contain both the hormones progestin and estrogen those are called combination pills which is popular among most woman. some are progestin only. if you take the pill everyday like directed it is 99% effective if you skip days and only take it when you feel like there is more of a chance you may get pregnant. in order to get birth control pills you need a precription from your doctor and if he feels you need a medical exam first it can cost $35-$250. if you have the precription you can go to any clinic or drugstore and the cost per month is $15-$50. if a teenager is having sex regularly or even alot they should be on the pill because theres always a chance the condom might break and the pill is there for backup but they have to use it as directed for it to be effective.
        2. Surgical
          1. vasectomy


            • A vasectomy is a surgical procedure for a man that inable the man to produce sperm because the tube that releases it is cut or tied off. two types of common vasectomies used are called no-scapel and conventional. it is not a good method for teens to us because if later down the line they want kids or there partner does it could never be a option so you have to be very certain with a decision like this. A vasectomy cost in theus varies form 500 to 1000 dollars depending on coverage plus additional charges so it might even be more. you can get this procedure at a mens clinic or ask you doctor for whats best for you. although it is considered a permanent birth control method there are some failure if surgery isn't done right men may not be completely sterile and can get a girl pregnant but it is very rare since there getting better with surgery.
            1. tubal ligation


              • Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for woman that ties, clip, burn, or cut the fallopian tubes so that that it blocks the sperm from getting to the eggs so they wont be fertilized. this method is not good for teens because this is a life long decision and teenagers haven't had enough life experience to make this kind of sacrifice what if the love of there life wanted a kid It could not happen so they should wait until there fully grown. there is a 1% chance that you can get pregnant after having this surgery yo may even have tubal pregnancy which is very painful. the cost of this surgery varies from 1500 to 6000 dollars depending on where you go and the coverage you have.
            2. Barrier
              1. Male condoms


                • male condom is a thin flexible tube like rubber that is place on the males erect penis before intercourse. it is a highly effective birth control method 2 out of a 100 woman get pregnant after havng sex with a condom. it also protects you from catching STI's such as HIV and other ones. you can get condoms at any drugstore it is also cheap packs differ from brand cheapest being $2.50 or arund there some places even give out free ones like clinics. besides abstinence condoms are highly recommended for teens because of there availability ans effectiveness its the next safest way.
                1. Contraceptive sponge


                  • the contraceptive sponge is a made from plastic foam and contains spermicide it is soft and round its inserted far up in the vagina before you have intercourse. the sponge is 91% effective only if you use it right if not its around 88% effective which is not very high but it works for some people. its available at family planning clinics, drugstores, online and some supermarkets. a pack of 3 sponges vary from 9-15 dollars. I don't think its really appropriate dor teens to use beacause if not used properly it can cause some side effects to occur like vaginal irritation sex life may seem different and its all around messy.
                  1. Diaphragm


                    • the diaphragm is a shallow, dome shaped cup with a flexiable ring. that you put into the vagina it covers up the cervix. diaphragms keep the sperm away from the egg by blocking the opening to the uterus. if you want more effectiveness its best to use the the it along side a spermicde cream, jelly. or gel it stops the sperm from moving. only 6% of woman who use it the correct way get pregnant. in order to get a diaphraghm go to a clinic a get a precription for one but first you have to get examined to see if your right for one. exams cost around 50$-200$ and diaphraghms cost   15-75$ it all depends where you go to get it. no i do not think this method is right for teens it cost way to much money and there are cheaper more effective ways of preventing pregnancy.
                    1. cervical cap


                      • a cervical cap is shaped like a sailors hat. it is inserted in the females vagina and over the prevent sperm from traveling to the egg. it is often used wit spermicide for more effectiveness. it is only 86% effective which is not a good percentage compared to other methods. you can either got to a clinic or private health care provider for a examination and precription for a cervical cap the exam cost 50-200$ the actual cvap cost 60-75$. this is not a good methods for teens to us it cost to much and it can cause vaginal irratation and some women or there partners feel discomfort/pain during intercourse.
                    2. Natural
                      1. calendar method


                        • the calendar method is when a female track her  period by not having sex near or on those day   so they can not have sex when there most fertile can prevent prgnancy. so you use a calender record length of each period what days every month and calculate when not to have sex so you dont get pregnant predicticting your first and last fertile days. couples have to be very careful also because you can be irregular and it may come earlier or later than expected. it is not an effective method for teenagers cause your still growing and going through puberty so you havnt really have a regular cycle it may be off.
                        1. withdrawal method


                          • the withdrawal method is when a man pull out his penis from the vagina before ejaculation so that the sperm does not get a chance to go in the females vagina. this method is not always efffective you need to be able to time it perfectly and there is always the chance that there is pre-cum on the tip of the penis which can enter the vagina and cause pregnancy. this method is not right for teenagers because they dont really know how to conrol it and time it properly. you would need alot of experience.
                          1. Abstinence


                            • Abstinence is the best method for everyone if you dont want to getr pregnant. it is when you just dont have sex at all. if you dont have sex you dont get pregnant as simple as that.
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