Short Term Memory


A Levels Psychology (Memory) Mind Map on Short Term Memory, created by Aimee Johnson on 10/03/2014.
Aimee Johnson
Mind Map by Aimee Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Aimee Johnson
Created by Aimee Johnson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Short Term Memory
  1. Capacity
    1. 7+/- 2 items of information
      1. Miller 1956
        1. found out that most people could only repeat back between five and nine items
          1. Chunking can increase the capacity of short term memory
            1. ITV
              1. GCSE
        2. Duration
          1. Peterson and Peterson 1959
            1. Aim: Establish the duration of short term memory when Rehearsal is prevented
              1. Conclusion: Without Rehearsal, the duration of STM is only a few seconds
                1. Held up to 30 seconds
              2. Participants heard a Trigram.
                1. They were asked to recall it immediately or recall it after a set of retention interval
                  1. 3,6,9,12,15 or 18 seconds
                    1. During the period before recall, they were asked to count backwards in 3's from a specified number
                      1. To prevent Maintenance Rehearsal
              3. Encoding
                1. The way the information is put into each store
                  1. Acoustic form
                  2. Conard 1964
                    1. Aim: To establish the form in which information is encode into STM
                      1. Even when the information is presented visual,encoding was acoustically
                      2. Participants were shown a sequence of six letters
                        1. They were asked to write them down as the appeared,but the presentation ran to fast for them to keep. Therefore, keeping the information in STM
                          1. Participants often made acoustic errors, where the letters that they had seen were replaced by those that sound simular
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