Causes of WW1


GCSE History Mind Map on Causes of WW1, created by carlymacmillan27 on 23/03/2014.
Mind Map by carlymacmillan27, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by carlymacmillan27 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of WW1
  1. Short Term
    1. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
      1. Austria blamed Serbia - it's excuse for war was found. Serbia was a threat to Austria as the most powerful country in the Balkans.
      2. Germany's 'Blank Cheque'
        1. With Germany offering unconditional support for Austria (blank cheque), it encouraged Austria to act more outrageous than it would have done alone as they knew Germany would be there to back them up.
      3. Long Term
        1. Nationalism
          1. The belief that your country is superior to all other counties with the belief you could 'take them on' if necessary. This leads nations to become assertive and aggressive.
          2. Imperialism
            1. The desire to conquer colonies, especially in Africa. This brought the powers into conflict - Germany wanted an empire. France and Britain already had empires. Germany believed that they were 'entitled' and deserved an empire the size of Britain's.
            2. Alliances
              1. In 1882, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. This alarmed, France, Britain and Russia. By 1907, they had all joined the Triple Entente. Europe was divided into two armed camps, to help each other if there was a war. It meant other countries felt inclined to protect their alliance.
              2. Militarism (Arms Race)
                1. The attempt to build up a strong army and navy gave nations the means and will to make war. It started a competition and countries became threats.
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