EPQ: Macroeconomic Impacts of Britain Leaving the EU


A Levels EPQ Mind Map on EPQ: Macroeconomic Impacts of Britain Leaving the EU, created by Roshan Das on 27/03/2014.
Roshan Das
Mind Map by Roshan Das, updated more than 1 year ago
Roshan Das
Created by Roshan Das about 10 years ago

Resource summary

EPQ: Macroeconomic Impacts of Britain Leaving the EU
  1. Political Motives
    1. Yes
      1. No
      2. Potential Essay Titles
        1. Trade
          1. Foreign Investment
          2. Immigration
          3. Key Concepts
            1. Trade
              1. Immigration
              2. Source Refrences
                1. Books
                  1. Internet
                  2. Timeline
                    1. Y12
                      1. Initial Project Plan
                        1. Approval
                          1. Planning Review
                          2. Summer 2014
                            1. Source Research & Collation
                            2. Y13
                              1. Mid Project Review
                                1. End of Project Review
                                  1. Presentaition
                                    1. Reflection
                                  2. Session Notes
                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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