Slumdog Millionaire Mind Map


Mind Map on Slumdog Millionaire Mind Map, created by M410S on 24/05/2014.
Mind Map by M410S, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by M410S over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Slumdog Millionaire
  1. Characters
    1. Malik Brothers
      1. Jamal
        1. Intelligent
          1. Younger
            1. Hard worker
            2. Salim
              1. Violent
                1. Older
                  1. Criminal
                2. Latika
                  1. Good dancer
                    1. Peaceful
                      1. Friendy
                        1. Loves Jamal
                        2. Maman
                          1. False person
                            1. He seems kind but he is not
                            2. Salim killed him
                              1. Uses the children to earn money for him by begging
                              2. Javed
                                1. Most powerful boss in Jamal's slum
                                  1. Rich man
                                    1. Salim works for him
                                      1. Latika is his woman
                                      2. Prem Kumar
                                        1. Presenter of the show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire."
                                          1. Sees himself as the star of the program
                                      3. Places
                                        1. The Call Centre
                                          1. Is the place where Jamal works
                                            1. Workers make sales calls to customers in Britain
                                            2. Taj Mahal (Agra)
                                              1. One of the world's most famous buildings
                                              2. Mumbay
                                                1. Juhu slum
                                                  1. Centre of Mumbay

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