Army reforms


A-Levels History (Boer War) Mind Map on Army reforms, created by elspeth on 05/21/2013.
Mind Map by elspeth, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elspeth over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Army reforms
  1. The Esher reforms 1904
    1. Creation of an army council to analyze issues, decide policy, end confusion and increase parliamentary control over the army
      1. Creation of a general staff with the job of preparing the army for war
        1. The abolition of the post of commander in chief of the forces
          1. Reorganization of the war office.
            1. Creation of the post of the general staff.
              1. These were a direct response to the failures of the Boer War
                1. The Esher report was controversial. Edward VVII was supportive but Kitchener was opposed.
                2. Haldane reforms
                  1. The Haldane reforms carried out the recommendations of the Esher report.
                    1. Creation of the Territorial Army
                      1. Creation of the Officer Training Corps
                        1. Creation of the Special Reserve
                          1. Improvements to army medical and nursing facilities
                          2. The combined impact of these reforms made the army stronger and more efficient.
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