Interim Govt


A-Levels India History Mind Map on Interim Govt, created by jacksearle on 22/05/2013.
Mind Map by jacksearle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jacksearle almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Interim Govt
  1. London Talks
    1. Constituent Assembly
      1. Convened in December 1946
        1. Would never complete its task
          1. No Muslim reps- Muslim calls for Pakistan were growing stronger
            1. Attlee was privately determined to force this through by replacing Wavell with a new viceroy who was much more eager to hand over power
              1. Feb 1947, Wavell sacked, offered Earldom, sacked without dignity, everyone knew it
        2. Group of people trying to set up constitution
        3. Attlee summoned Nehru, Jinnah and Balder Singh to London for talks with him and Wavell
          1. Wavell wanted basic interpretation of May statement where states could secede to be chosen
            1. Attlee sided with Nehru and pressed on with Constituent Assembly for India
              1. Jinnah remained in London, 79 seats for Muslims on constiuent assembly would be boycotted
                1. In no Rush to return
        4. Temporary govt took power in Sept 1946
          1. Nehru
            1. In charge of Foreign Affairs
              1. As governor general of Council, now obliged to carry out decisions of Indian members
              2. Wavell
                1. Still technically man in charge
                  1. Still responsible for effective govt of British India
                  2. However now has to take orders from Interim govt
                  3. Patel
                    1. Home affairs - law order and justice - also in charge ofsecret police and security
                      1. Immediately diverted flow of intelligence to Congress - cuts out Viceroy
                    2. Jinnah
                      1. Agreed to becoming finance minister after Wavell pushed for ML involvement in interim govt
                      2. Ali Khan
                        1. Only muslim rep on exec council as Jinnah declined to join due to Nehru's dominance
                          1. Becomes first leader of independent pakistan
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                          Government of India Act 1935
                          1930-1934 Timeline
                          The Neil Cripps Mission 1942
                          Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919
                          1st Non-Cooperation Movement 1919/Khilafat
                          1937 Elections/Lahore Resolution 1940
                          2nd Non-Cooperation Movement
                          Impact of Churchill
                          Outbreak of WWII
                          Simla Conference 1946/May Statement
                          Events of 1927-1929