Economic and political crisis in Germany


History (The rise of the Nazis) Mind Map on Economic and political crisis in Germany, created by karansoni_94 on 23/05/2013.
Mind Map by karansoni_94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by karansoni_94 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Economic and political crisis in Germany
  1. Wall street crash
    1. Germany was dependent on US money.
      1. National income shunk 39%
        1. Industrial production fell 40%
          1. unemployment up to 6M in 1932
            1. 50,000 bankrupt
              1. 1931 Banking crisis
      2. Political system
        1. Grand coalition fell apart after disagreement over unemployment benefits
          1. Subsequent govts lacked reichstag support
            1. Hindenburg dissolved Reichstag
          2. German political system already moving in a authoritarian system before Hitler. Emergency decrees relied on
            1. effective action not taken to deal with depression. Bruning= hunger chancellor
              1. Due to continuing discontent more violence on streets. SA took part in much of violence. Political and military leaders knew in practice Hitler was the only one who could control SA
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