Modelo Stripling Pitts


Mind Map on Modelo Stripling Pitts, created by Brayan Carranza Enriquez on 06/10/2017.
Brayan Carranza Enriquez
Mind Map by Brayan Carranza Enriquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Brayan Carranza Enriquez
Created by Brayan Carranza Enriquez almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Modelo Stripling Pitts
  1. elegir tema amplio
    1. perspectiva global del tema
      1. acortar tema
        1. declarar propositos
          1. formular preguntas
            1. planear investigacion
              1. evaluar fuentes
                1. Evaluar evidencia
                  1. establecer conclusiones
                    1. presentar producto final
                      1. satisfaccion del trabajo
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