Causes for dissolution of monastries 1536


history Mind Map on Causes for dissolution of monastries 1536, created by a.south on 26/05/2013.
Mind Map by a.south, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by a.south almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Causes for dissolution of monastries 1536
  1. money
    1. felt the churches were becoming more powerful
      1. wanted to clear his own debts
      2. wanted to break away from catholic church
        1. form a new protestant church
        2. angry at the way the pope was dealing with his divorce form Cathrine of aragon
          1. demolision
            1. small monastries
              1. henry was going to dissolve 400 small monastries
                1. hen the monks fought back so henry dissollved them all
            2. wars
              1. henry wanted huge wars against france and scotland
              2. Cromwell
                1. in charge of thee disolution
                  1. sent spies to the monastries
                    1. to see how they run,how much they earnt etc
                      1. came back with bias infomation
                2. henry felt the country was on his side
                  1. there was rumours that monks and nuns weren't abiding by there laws
                  2. monastries with a income of less than £200
                    1. were closed
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