Religion was the main problem for Elizabeth in 1558 - 69. How far do you agree?


GCSE History Mind Map on Religion was the main problem for Elizabeth in 1558 - 69. How far do you agree?, created by Claire Duffy on 21/12/2017.
Claire Duffy
Mind Map by Claire Duffy, updated more than 1 year ago
Claire Duffy
Created by Claire Duffy over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Religion was the main problem for Elizabeth in 1558 - 69. How far do you agree?
  1. The settlement of religion
    1. Catholics
      1. Large support for catholics in the north of England
        1. Largest threat to Elizabeth
          1. Would support spain or france (a catholic country) in order to overthrow Elizabeth
            1. Saw Mary queen of scots rightful Queen of england
              1. Henry had divorced in order to marry her mother Anne Boleyn - against popes wishes
              2. Weren't aggravated into rebellion as Elizabeths laws were more peaceful
              3. Helped casue nortyhern rebellion
              4. Arrival of Mary queen of Scots
                1. Mary had a strong claim to the English throne
                  1. Mary had a lot of support in Europe
                    1. Married to last French king and so had a lot of support their
                      1. Spain also could have supported her claim as a fellow Catholic Monarch
                    2. Unemployment
                      1. Land owners moved to sheep farming. This caused peasants losing their jobs and being thrown of their land
                        1. woollen industry collapsed
                          1. Caused spinners and weavers to live in poverty
                          2. People turned to crime as they recieved no government help
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