Botha's Reforms


Matric History (Apartheid (1970/80s)) Mind Map on Botha's Reforms, created by field.sophie on 09/02/2014.
Mind Map by field.sophie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by field.sophie over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Botha's Reforms
  1. Reasons:
    1. Apartheid system collapsing
      1. Needed more labour in white areas
        1. Blacks lived in 'homelands'
          1. Unsustainable
            1. Majority of population on 13% of land
              1. Economically dependent on gov
              2. Economically dependent on gov
          2. Wanted to sustain Apartheid
          3. Pass Laws breakdown
            1. Formally instated by gov in 1950s
              1. Controlled movements of blacks
              2. Became difficult & expensive to enforce
                1. SA economy needed quick, easy black labour
                  1. Passes made blacks' movement from homelands to white areas difficult & slow
                  2. 1986
                  3. Urban Bantu Authorities Act
                    1. 1983
                      1. Altering existing act
                        1. Local gov structures could be elected in townships
                          1. Gave little real power
                            1. Still remained under white control
                            2. Immediately resisted
                              1. Strikes, boycotts, violent clashes
                            3. Criticized by more right wing NP
                              1. Tricameral Parliament
                                1. Divided in 3
                                  1. White (majority)
                                    1. Coloured (about half)
                                      1. Indian (about quarter)
                                        1. Meant to be proportionate to population
                                          1. Impossible for non-whites to overrule whites
                                            1. Whites could vito non-whites' rulings
                                          2. No black represetation
                                            1. Only Urban Bantu Authorities Act
                                          3. Nov 1983
                                          4. Repackaging same system
                                            1. Legalized inter-racial marriage
                                              1. Job reservation relaxed
                                                1. Ended strict segregation of some amneties
                                                  1. Private schools desegregated
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