What is a computer System?


Mind Map on What is a computer System?, created by Ms H Zainon on 20/02/2018.
Ms H Zainon
Mind Map by Ms H Zainon, updated more than 1 year ago
Ms H Zainon
Created by Ms H Zainon about 6 years ago

Resource summary

What is a computer System?
  1. What are the components of a computer system?
    1. What is a CPU?
      1. ALU?
        1. Registers?
          1. Fetch-Decode-Execute?
          2. Secondary Storage
            1. portability
              1. reliability
                1. optical
                  1. solid state
                    1. magnetic
                      1. cloud
                      2. Primary Storage/Memory
                        1. Volatile
                          1. Non-volatile
                            1. RAM
                              1. ROM
                                1. Virtual
                                  1. Cache
                                  2. Peripherals
                                    1. Input
                                      1. Output
                                        1. Special Needs
                                        2. Can you describe/diagram Von Neumann Architecture?
                                        3. How can performance be improved?
                                          1. What is hardware?
                                            1. What is software?
                                              1. What is an embedded system?
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