A hot summer's Night - Acute Renal Failure


Mind Map on A hot summer's Night - Acute Renal Failure, created by Group D on 22/03/2018.
Group D
Mind Map by Group D, updated more than 1 year ago
Group D
Created by Group D about 6 years ago

Resource summary

A hot summer's Night - Acute Renal Failure
  1. Anatomy and histology of the nephron
    1. Physiology of the nephron
      1. Pathology of kidney failure
        1. Acute
          1. chronic
            1. Hypertension
              1. Diabetes
                1. Other kidney diseases like polycystitis
                  1. Acute renal failure
                    1. Hypertension
                    2. SIgns and Symptoms & Manifestations
                      1. Sodium and water balance
                        1. because kidney produces erythropoietin
                          1. Osteodystrophy
                            1. Shortness of breath
                              1. due to increased level of urea
                            2. Maintains calcium homeostasis
                            3. Potassium balance
                              1. Anemia
                          2. Investigations
                            1. Blood tests
                              1. CBC
                                1. Blood electrolyte
                                2. Ultrasonography
                                  1. CT scan with contrast
                                  2. Management
                                    1. Take history and do a physical examination
                                      1. Perform general investigations including electrolyte counts and then specific investigations if diagnosis is not established
                                        1. Supportive management mainly for kidney failure
                                          1. Dialysis
                                      2. Diuretics
                                        1. Osmotic agents
                                          1. Loop agents
                                            1. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
                                              1. thiazides
                                                1. Potassium Sparing
                                    1. Urine is a waste byproduct formed from excess water and metabolic waste molecules during the process of renal system filtration
                                    2. Incidents in car accidents
                                      1. Lateral impact Rear end impact
                                        1. Fractured ribs
                                          1. Internal bleeding
                                            1. Brain bleeding
                                              1. Pneumothorax, hemothorax, cardiac tamponade
                                                1. Liver torn open- severe bleeding
                                                  1. KIDNEY DAMAGE
                                                    1. residents of UAE are 7 times more likely to die in car accident compared to those in UK
                                                      1. strategies to reduce this number
                                                        1. increase the valid age to 21 years old
                                                          1. Educate people at school
                                                            1. Black Dots systems
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