How important was backwardness of agriculture in contributing to weakness in the Russian economy in the years 1881 to 1914? [24 marks]


Tsarist Russia Essay answer plan
Caitlyn Brooke
Mind Map by Caitlyn Brooke, updated more than 1 year ago
Caitlyn Brooke
Created by Caitlyn Brooke over 6 years ago

Resource summary

How important was backwardness of agriculture in contributing to weakness in the Russian economy in the years 1881 to 1914? [24 marks]
  1. Land was unproductive
    1. Droughts
      1. Extremes of temperatures
        1. Lack of fertilisers and machinery
          1. Low and unpredictable yields
          2. Population growth
            1. More pressure on land holdings
              1. Reduction in size
            2. Government attention needed.
              1. Agriculture neglected in favour of industry
                1. Except as source of exports
                  1. Bring in money
                    1. Pay for imports and government spending
                  2. Progressed at a slower pace
                2. Grain exports
                  1. Food only just kept pace with population
                    1. Increase in exports - less food
                      1. Famine
                  2. Peasant Discontent
                    1. Despite concessions
                      1. Cancelling of redemption payments
                        1. Separate land from commune
                        2. Stolypin wanted class of well-off, loyal peasants
                          1. By 1915, only 22% households had individual ownership.
                          2. Land Captains enforced payment of debts
                            1. Sometimes Violent
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