Internal Factors


Higher Business Management (Internal Factors) Mind Map on Internal Factors, created by calum.mcdonald on 10/01/2014.
Mind Map by calum.mcdonald, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by calum.mcdonald over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Internal Factors
  1. Current Technology
    1. Finance
      1. Human Resources
        1. Decision Making
          1. Role of Managers
            1. Fayol's 5
              1. Planning
                1. Organisation
                  1. Co-ordinating
                    1. Commanding
                      1. Controlling
                        1. +2
                          1. Delegating
                            1. Motivating
                        2. Types of Decision
                          1. Strategic
                            1. Tactical
                              1. Operational
                              2. Structured Decision Making Models
                                1. POGADSCIE
                                  1. + / -
                                2. Swot Analysis
                                  1. Contraints
                                    1. ICT & Decision Making
                                      1. Evaluating
                                      2. Culture
                                        1. What is Culture?
                                          1. Importance
                                            1. How to Develop
                                              1. Factors to Consider
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