music revision task


music revision
katie gibson
Mind Map by katie gibson, updated more than 1 year ago
katie gibson
Created by katie gibson almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

music revision task
  1. the 4 groups
    1. brass
      1. percussion
        1. woodwing
          1. strings
    2. bass clef
      1. spaces- a.c.e.g
        1. lines- g.b.d.f.a
      2. treble clef
        1. space-f.a.c.e
          1. lines- e.g.b.d.f
        2. brass
          1. trumpet
            1. french horn
              1. trombone
                1. tuba
          2. strings
            1. violin
              1. double bass
                1. cello
                  1. harp
            2. woodwind
              1. flute
                1. oboe
                  1. saxaphone
                    1. clarinate
                      1. basoon
              2. tempo is the speed or rhythm of a song or tune
                1. rhythm the steady beat to something
                  1. dynamics how loud or quite a song or tune is
                2. styles of music
                  1. pop
                    1. rock
                      1. choir
                        1. gosple
                          1. jazz
                            1. country
                              1. western
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