19th Century Russia


AS level History (Russia) Mind Map on 19th Century Russia, created by Charlotte Delaforce on 24/10/2014.
Charlotte Delaforce
Mind Map by Charlotte Delaforce, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Delaforce
Created by Charlotte Delaforce almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

19th Century Russia
  1. Geography
    1. Largest continuous land empire
      1. Sparsely populated
        1. Towns and cities concentrated in West
        2. Poor transport infrastructure
          1. 1900 - Trans-Siberian Railway
            1. 90,000 workers
              1. 12 years
                1. 6,000 km
                  1. Moscow to Vladivostok
                2. Multinational
                  1. in 1897 44% Russian
                    1. 6% Poles
                      1. Russian Orthodox Church
                        1. Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod
                          1. Empire also contained Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims and Animists
                      2. Tsarist Regime
                        1. Autocracy
                          1. One person has supreme and unlimited power (Tsar)
                            1. Laws made by ukase (imperial decree)
                            2. Huge bureaucracy
                              1. Inefficiency and corruption
                              2. Only 4 state officials for every thousand people
                                1. Okhrana
                                  1. By 1898 nearly 300,000 people had been exiled to Siberia
                                2. Society
                                  1. Upper class
                                    1. 1% of population
                                      1. Owned 25% of land
                                        1. Relied on Tsar for wealth and position
                                        2. Small 'middle class'
                                          1. Businessmen, industrialists, doctors, lawyers and teachers
                                            1. Educated and politically aware
                                              1. Resentment of autocracy
                                            2. Industrial workers
                                              1. <5%
                                                1. Bad working conditions
                                                  1. Mostly ex - peasants
                                                    1. By 1900 almost 1/3 had fathers who had been workers
                                                    2. 57.8% literacy rate
                                                      1. Massive strikes 1896 and 1897
                                                      2. Peasants
                                                        1. 80%
                                                          1. 1861 emancipation
                                                            1. Redemption payments
                                                            2. Subsistence farming
                                                              1. Mir
                                                                1. Assembly made up of heads of each household in a village
                                                                2. Poor, illiterate and uneducated
                                                                  1. 400,000 died of starvation 1891
                                                                    1. Kulaks
                                                                      1. Wealthier class of peasants
                                                                  2. Economy
                                                                    1. Agrarian
                                                                      1. Weak compared to industrial Europe
                                                                        1. Subsistence agriculture
                                                                        2. Poor road and rail networks
                                                                          1. Limiting communication and trade
                                                                          2. 1860-1900 population of cities had doubled
                                                                            1. Only 15% lived in cities and towns
                                                                            2. Not enough money to finance industrial growth
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                            6. New Economic Policy (NEP)
                                                                            From Tsardom to communism- Russia
                                                                            3. The Bolshevik's Seizure of Power
                                                                            5. War Communism
                                                                            4. Civil War
                                                                            Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                                                                            Adam Collinge
                                                                            The Weimar Republic, 1919-1929
                                                                            Weimar Revision
                                                                            Tom Mitchell
                                                                            GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
                                                                            Ben C
                                                                            Conferences of the Cold War
                                                                            Alina A
                                                                            Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
                                                                            Alina A