Early years of the Nazis


IB History (Nazi Germany) Mind Map on Early years of the Nazis, created by Eleanor Matthewman on 27/07/2013.
Eleanor Matthewman
Mind Map by Eleanor Matthewman, updated more than 1 year ago
Eleanor Matthewman
Created by Eleanor Matthewman almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Early years of the Nazis
  1. Hitler
    1. He was an orator- a fluent and effective public speaker
      1. He would used a long, slow introduction in his speeches to build anticipatiuon
        1. He practised hand gestures and looked at pictures of himself preforming
          1. He designed the swastika symbol. The three colours were the colours of the German flag under the Kaiser. Red represented the socialist part of the party, the white the nationalist and the swastika itself was Hitler's racial views
            1. Became leader of the Nazis in 1921
            2. The SA
              1. Set up by Hitler in 1921
                1. The Sturm Abteilung (SA) were also known as the 'stormtroopers' or 'brownshirts'
                  1. It attracted many ex-soldiers, especially from the Freikorps
                    1. Ernest Rohm became the leader of the SA in 1919
                    2. The Party programme
                      1. Kept vague to appeal to as many people as possible
                        1. Nationalism appealed with the promise to destroy the treaty of Versailles
                          1. Socialism appealed to the workrs
                            1. Anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) appealed to the Germans who needed a scapegoat
                              1. Hitler promised to remove the threat from the German communist party which appealed to the middle classes
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