Lack of Nazi success up to 1929


IB History (Nazi Germany) Mind Map on Lack of Nazi success up to 1929, created by Eleanor Matthewman on 07/27/2013.
Eleanor Matthewman
Mind Map by Eleanor Matthewman, updated more than 1 year ago
Eleanor Matthewman
Created by Eleanor Matthewman over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Lack of Nazi success up to 1929
  1. People
    1. The workers who voted for extreme parties tended to vote for the Communists (KPD)
      1. Only workers who lived in small cities tended to vote for the nazis
        1. Most people felt happy as they were because they had a job
          1. Most workers in the big cities voted for the moderate SPD
          2. Nazi plans
            1. The SA were seen as violent thugs who went around beating people up
              1. The Nazis wanted to invade countries in Eastern Europe to get 'living space' for the German people
                1. People remembered that the Nazis had tried to take over in a violent Putsch
                  1. The Nazis were anti-Sematic. There were frequent speeches made attacking the Jews
                  2. Government
                    1. Stresemann had solved most of the economic problems in Germany
                      1. As Stresemann had built better relationships with other countries, people felt it was a time of peace
                        1. Political violence inside Germany was no longer common and most people thought it was unacceptable
                          1. Most people now liked the idea of democratic government and rejected the idea of a single strong leader
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