Principles of Art


Made by: Luis Fernando Del Valle Díaz (A01400982) And Nicole Valenzuela (A01401034)
Fernando Del Valle
Mind Map by Fernando Del Valle, updated more than 1 year ago
Fernando Del Valle
Created by Fernando Del Valle almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Principles of Art
  1. movements
    1. What is it?


      • The principle of movement is used to create the feeling that something is not static. this principle guides the observer through the piece of art and allows him to study it and make decisions.
    2. Balance
      1. What is it?


        • Balance is defined as the combinations that give equilibrium and stability to a piece of work. There are three types of balance: Symmetric, asymmetric and radial
      2. Rythm
        1. What is it?


          • Rhythm is given when the elements are repeated, it is meant to interest a viewer to get caught by a pattern, artists plan to include it in their work through the use of sounds, lines,forms,colors,and more to guide the spectator
        2. Harmony
          1. What is it?


            • The harmony refers to the sensation of unity, of something belonging to a whole, that nothing is out of place in a piece.   It is meant to avoid violent or rough irruptions that cause a perception of chaos in the spectator, for this, the harmony is used to make gradual changes
          2. Proportion
            1. What is it?


              • Proportion tells us how the elements of a piece relate to the whole or to it's parts. For example, a sculpture compared to a human, or a boat compared to the sea
            2. Emphasis
              1. What is it?


                • Emphasis highlights the differences between the elements of a piece. This principle is considered as a focal point where the spectator's attention is directed.
              2. Variety
                1. What is it?


                  • Variety avoids a bland or tedious image, the artist purposely introduces variety of shapes and elements to motivate the spectator's interest, Harmony and variety need to work in a waty they have a delicate balance.
                2. Gradation
                  1. What is it?


                    • The gradation happens when the author combines elements to introduce a number of small changes that together build up a great variation. Small changes can be given through manipulating the intensity and types of light. The point is to show that something is changing, not in an abrupt but in a soft way , sometimes even imperciptibly
                  2. PLEASE READ: it is important to mention that all the information given in this mindmap is found in the creativity and design book, available in Xlibrio Platform.
                    1. Every node has a note icon, please press it to read the information
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