Locating an ESOL Course


Designing - Module 4 - Mind Map
Mind Map by butterflies8312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by butterflies8312 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Locating an ESOL Course


  • Coure Title
  1. Course start
    1. Course design
      1. Impaired?
          1. Yes
            1. Accesses Section 508 section
          2. No
            1. Continue the course
              1. Need Basic Computer Skills?
                1. Yes
                    1. Access the video
                      1. Laptop
                        1. Continue the course
                          1. Enter "ESOL programs" into search engine
                            1. Problems with using search?
                        2. Desktop
                          1. Continue the course
                            1. Enter "ESOL programs" into search engine
                          2. Tablet
                            1. Continue the course
                              1. Enter "ESOL programs" into search engine
                                1. Problems with search?
                                  1. Yes
                                    1. Troubleshoot
                                      1. Problem solved?
                                        1. No
                                      2. FAQs
                                        1. Problem solved?
                                          1. No
                                        2. Contact ddministrator
                                          1. Problem solved?
                                            1. Go back to troubleshooter until solved
                                              1. Yes
                                                1. Continue with course
                                                  1. Enter "ESOL programs" into the search engine address bar until a course is located
                                                    1. Complete the course evaluation
                                                      1. Vision or hearing impaired?
                                                        1. No
                                                          1. Continue with evaluation and end of the course
                                                          2. Yes
                                                            1. Continue the evaluation using Section 508 instructions for vision or hearing impaired to end of the course
                                            2. No
                                              1. Continue with course
                                2. No
                                  1. Continue the course
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