Over-population and Under-population


Mind Map on Over-population and Under-population, created by Jayditya Jignesh on 24/11/2018.
Jayditya Jignesh
Mind Map by Jayditya Jignesh, updated more than 1 year ago
Jayditya Jignesh
Created by Jayditya Jignesh over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Over-population and Under-population
  1. Over-population
    1. Causes
      1. BR rate and DR rate
        1. Due to improved technology, efficient healthcare and medical facilities global birth rates have soared. The probability of infants surviving beyond the age of five has increased too. Better health care has led to a reduction in mortality rates which causes a lot of growth in the overall population.
          1. Poverty
            1. Poverty is also indicative of over – population. Economically stunted nations with low income rates don’t have the capacity or ability to support growing populations. The mentality of groups or families living below the poverty line not helpful either. They try to cope with poverty by increasing the size of their respective families and increase their income.
              1. Illiteracy and lack of family planning
                1. Literacy and growth rates are directly correlated to each other. Literacy rates in developing nations are pretty low due to their economy being primarily agro-based. Increasing literacy rates improves the general awareness of people and changes their social attitudes and attitudes towards birth control. Lack of efficient and enforced policies related to family planning also leads to over – population.
          2. Impacts
            1. Depletion of natural resources
              1. Pressure on resources like food and water would increase. Food and fresh water supplies would be inadequate which would result in malnutrition and lowered resistance to diseases. Growing numbers and limited food would lead to an increase in imports which would send economies spiralling into debt.
                1. Environmental hazards
                  1. Growth in the population would take its toll on the land, increasing the demand for area which would lead to deforestation or loss of natural habitat. Industrialization and urbanization would increase the global pollutions levels too, causing imbalances in the atmosphere and global warming.
                    1. Unemployment and poverty
                      1. Large populations strain the economy and wouldn’t be able to support themselves due to the scarcity of jobs. A majority of the population would be subjected to poverty and high costs of living due to the sheer pressure on the economy.
                2. An Example of a overpopulated country is Bangladesh
                3. Under-population
                  1. Impacts
                    1. Unstable economy
                      1. Under – population has an adverse effect on the economy causing deflation (decrease in the overall price levels of goods and services). A decline in the population leads to lack of demand.
                        1. Decrease in pollution and environmental problems
                          1. The pressure on natural resources and the basic infrastructure of an area decreases. Levels of pollutions are cut down too.
                            1. Population ageing
                              1. Due to decreased rates of procreation, there is an increase in the social and economic pressure on the youth who have to expand the per capita output in order to support the economy. This also leads to a poor quality of life for the youth.
                                1. Labour shortage
                                  1. Declining populations could create labour shortages which could have both positive and negative effects. Labour – intensive sectors of the economy would be adversely affected by such conditions. However a shortage would inevitably increase the demand for labour and potentially reduce unemployment. Share on:
                          2. Causes
                            1. Total fertility rate
                              1. The fertility rate in many developed and developing countries has dropped to about two children per women due to factors like literacy, economic development or urbanization (increasing the cost or standard of living) making the idea of having big families impractical. Changed attitudes toward contraception and an improvement in the social role of females has also affected this demographic attribute.
                                1. War and other conflicts
                                  1. People have waged wars since the middle ages and continue to do so. Advanced technology has made modern warfare a huge factor or element in the decline of population. Individuals fighting over resources and space end up killing each other on a massive scale due to the introduction of nuclear and chemical warfare which has a negative effect on the overall population of an area or region.
                                    1. Disease
                                      1. Disease and illness has always caused a decline in the population. The emergence of new diseases like HIV/AIDS which has decreased the population globally.
                                        1. Famine
                                          1. Famine is the scarcity of food caused due to factors like crop failure and disproportionate population. Being a ‘push’ factor, it has an adverse effect on the population of a region or country.
                            2. An example of a under- populated country is Australia
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