Akhet Nile Flood Cycle


This is made for an assignment. #Don'tJudgeMeh
JJ Cui
Mind Map by JJ Cui , updated more than 1 year ago
JJ Cui
Created by JJ Cui about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Akhet Nile Flood Cycle
  1. the inundation (June-September)
    1. Happens annually, at the exact same time.
      1. replenishes the nutrients in the soil.
        1. No farming was done at this time, as all the fields were flooded.
          1. many farmers worked for the pharaoh (king), building pyramids or temples.
            1. Some of the time was spent mending their tools and looking after animals.
              1. one of the most important and sacred events for the ancient Egyptians
                1. falls roughly from mid-July to mid-November in our calendar
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