Ernest Hemingway Biography


Some background information on American writer, Ernest Hemingway. He traveled extensively and much of his literature is guided by his adventures.
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Resource summary

Ernest Hemingway Biography
  1. Writing Style and Recognition
    1. Iceberg Theory: minimalist writing style where surface 'clues' tell the reader what they are not seeing.
      1. Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea - 1953
        1. Nobel Prize for Literature for The Old Man and the Sea - 1954
      2. As a journalist for Toronto Star and The Kansas City Star, Hemingway learned how to be concise with language
      3. Personal Life
        1. Born in Illinois in July 1899 - Died July 1961 in Idaho
          1. Went to war in Italy in 1918. Served as an ambulance driver for the allied forces. Ironically, wounded and sent home.
            1. Married four times during his life to Hadley, Pauline, Martha and Mary
              1. While living in Paris, befriended the likes of James Joyce, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
                1. Back working as a journalist, covered events such as The Spanish Civil War and the Normandy Landings.
                  1. Suffered from depression and paranoia in later life. After extensive electro-shock therapy, decided to commit suicide in 1961. Died from self-inflicted shotgun wound.
        2. Notable Literary Works
          1. Indian Camp - 1924
            1. The Sun Also Rises - 1926
              1. A Farewell to Arms - 1929
                1. For Whom the Bell Tolls - 1940
                  1. The Old Man and the Sea - 1951
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