Arab israeli


history :)
Mind Map by charlotteboyle, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlotteboyle over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Arab israeli
    1. Jewish/israel
      1. expelled from palestine by the romans.
        1. wanted to claim palestine as their homeland
          1. WW1 almost no conflict between jews and arabs
            1. zionism sprung 1800's
              1. british letter of support called Balfour Declaration
                1. balfour declaration - british backed the jewish so they could claim theirhomeland in 1917
                2. israel launched a suprise atteck on the arabs because, aparently the arabs had claimed they were going to attck the israels first
                  1. claimed all of israel, the arabs had to leave and go to the nearest arab countries
                  2. Arab
                    1. lived in palestine, and were rulled by the ottoman empire by turkey.
                      1. they wanted political independence
                        1. WW1 almost no conflict between jews and arabs
                        2. romans destroyed what was known as the second temple AD 70
                          1. 1500's palestine rulled by the ottoman empire
                            1. WW2 1939-1945 palestines future was questioned
                              1. 1947 split of palestine idea, however this idea was rejected in 1948/49 but the jews rebelled and gained 78% of the land

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