enviromental problems


work of science uwu
Carla Acevedo
Mind Map by Carla Acevedo, updated more than 1 year ago
Carla Acevedo
Created by Carla Acevedo about 5 years ago

Resource summary

enviromental problems
  1. deforestation
    1. means the lost of forest
      1. cutting down trees to do farmlands, motorways or houses
        1. cutting down trees to produce wood
          1. when a forest disappear, the animas that live there dissapear too
        2. climate change
          1. variations in climate elements sucha as temperature, precipitation and wind
            1. can be acused by natural phenomena
              1. the consecuencies are: ice caps melting, sea levels rising and coastal areas are flooding
            2. pollution
              1. is the release of harmful sustances into the enviroment
                1. air pollution: by gases released
                  1. water pollution: by industrial waste, chemicals and wastewater
                    1. soil pollution: by chemicals used in agriculture and wastewater
                  2. overexplotation
                    1. happens when we consume natural resources faster than they are replenished
                      1. when we catch too many fish
                        1. extincion of species
                          1. disappearance of forests
                            1. depletion of aquifers
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