Stalin's maintenance of power


History Mind Map on Stalin's maintenance of power, created by Zurinah Haji Ruslan on 11/03/2019.
Zurinah Haji Ruslan
Mind Map by Zurinah Haji Ruslan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by JonesKamel about 10 years ago
Zurinah Haji Ruslan
Copied by Zurinah Haji Ruslan about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Stalin's maintenance of power
  1. Education
    1. Before Stalin
      1. Free education introduced
        1. Emphasis on maths and sciences
          1. Removal of the gymnasium
            1. Removed textbooks and examinations
            2. During Stalin
              1. Strict discipline
                1. Examinations and grades reintroduced
                  1. Decline of illiteracy
                    1. Less so with women however
                    2. 'The Young Pioneers'
                      1. Konsomol
                  2. Collectivisation
                    1. Five Year Plans
                      1. Gosplan set up in 1921
                        1. Vesenkha
                          1. Funded by agricultural exports
                            1. Collectivisation
                              1. Kolkhozi (collective farms)
                                1. Collectivisation of 90% of peasant farms by 1936
                                2. Sovkhozi (state farms)
                                    1. 'Dizzy with success', temporary halt
                                      1. Twentyfive-thousand'ers
                                        1. Famine (1932-1933)
                                          1. Ukraine 'Holodomor'
                                        2. Collectivisation allowed industrialisation
                                        3. First Five Year Plan (1928-1932)
                                          1. Increase production of the means of production
                                            1. Manufactoring plants
                                              1. Electric power stations
                                                1. Production of coal and oil
                                                2. Train experts
                                                3. Second and Third Five Year Plan
                                                  1. Increase production of industrial goods
                                                    1. Infrastructure
                                                4. Gender roles
                                                  1. Culture
                                                    1. 'Socialist realism'
                                                      1. Religion
                                                      2. Industrialisation
                                                        1. Race and ethnicity
                                                          1. Terror (1937 -1938)
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