IB Geography Global Interactions Chapter 1: Global Participation


Mind Map on IB Geography Global Interactions Chapter 1: Global Participation, created by cain9 on 15/12/2014.
Mind Map by cain9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cain9 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

IB Geography Global Interactions Chapter 1: Global Participation
  1. Globalisation
    1. The growing interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, and through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology.
      1. Dimensions of Globalisation
        1. Economic
          1. TNCs Increase the economic interdependence and emergence of different NICs
            1. Many people feel excluded from the benefits of Globalisation especially LICs and poorer communities
            2. Urban
              1. Hierarchy of Global cities that act as command centres of the global economy
                1. Competition is intensifiying
              2. Social/Cultural
                1. Western culture has diffused throughout the world mainly through TV
                  1. Not a one way process though as the influence on Islam has increased significantly throughout the world
                  2. Linguistic
                    1. English is the "global Villages" working language
                    2. Political
                      1. EU is the most advanced model
                        1. World government
                        2. Demographic
                          1. The amount of people moving across borders is increasing.
                            1. Communities are becoming multicultural in nature
                            2. Environmental
                              1. Globalisation has casued so much pollution that countries believe only an international effort will cure them
                          2. Difference between Internationalism and Globalisation
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