WELLBEING@ joshua peterson clark


dont snoop
Jonathan Parsons
Mind Map by Jonathan Parsons, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Parsons
Created by Jonathan Parsons almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

WELLBEING@ joshua peterson clark
  1. Physical WellBeing
    1. injury
      1. Diet
        1. exercise
          1. fitness
          2. social WellBeing
            1. freinds
              1. colaboration
              2. Emotinal WellBeing
                1. love
                  1. happy
                    1. sad
                      1. hate
                        1. angry
                          1. mental WellBeing
                            1. YOGA
                              1. Medatation
                                1. relax
                                  1. calm
                                    1. zen
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