The Tudor Family Tree


Brief family tree of the house of Tudor
Mind Map by demariakt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by demariakt about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Tudor Family Tree
  1. Owen Tudor m. Catherine of Valois
    1. Edmund Tudor m. Margaret Beaufort
      1. Henry VII m. Elizabeth of York
        1. Elizabeth Woodville m. Edward IV
          1. Richard of York m. Cecily Neville
            1. Jacquetta of Luxembourg m. Richard Woodville
            2. Catherine of Aragon m. Henry VIII m. Anne Boleyn m. Jane Seymour
              1. Mary I
                1. Elizabeth I
                  1. Edward VI
                  2. Margaret Tudor m. James IV of Scotland
                    1. James V of Scotland m. Mary of Guise
                      1. Mary, Queen of Scots m. Henry Lord Darnley
                        1. James VI of Scotland and James I of England m. Anne of Denmark
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