Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights


This map was created to connect the grievances from the Declaration of Independence to the Bill of Rights. It was made by Bree Nunn on February 20, 2020.
YaBreeka Nunn
Mind Map by YaBreeka Nunn, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
YaBreeka Nunn
Created by YaBreeka Nunn about 4 years ago
YaBreeka Nunn
Copied by YaBreeka Nunn about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights
  1. Declaration of Independence was wrote on July 4, 1776.
    1. Thomas Jefferson was the writer of the Declaration of Independence.
      1. Contained twenty-seven grievances.
        1. Written to declare freedom from British.
    2. Bill of Rights was finalized on December 15, 1791.
      1. James Madison proposed those rights.
        1. Originally ten amendments
          1. Established so the citizens do not get overpowered by the government.
      2. They both were established to gain power back from those in control.
        1. Both believed that the government was made to protect the people.
          1. Both were fed up about how them and their people were getting treated.
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