Does Canada deserve its reputation as a Peacekeeping Nation?


Canada Peacekeeping
Mind Map by imchronix, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by imchronix about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Does Canada deserve its reputation as a Peacekeeping Nation?
  1. United Nations Forces in Cyprus
    1. Who
      1. Greek Cypriots
        1. Turkish Cypriots
          1. Cypriot National Guard
            1. Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios III
            2. What
              1. Greek military replaced Cypriot President Archbishop Makarios III with pro-Enosis, Nikos Sampson as a dictator.
                1. Turkish forces respond to Greek coup d'etat with invasion in Cyprus to fight against Greek forces.
                2. When
                  1. 1964 to Present
                  2. Where?
                    1. Cyprus
                    2. Why
                      1. Greece's goal was to overthrow the Cyprus government and take over the country.
                        1. Turkey was against Greece and invaded Cyprus to stop Greece from having complete ownership of the country.
                        2. How
                          1. Each country participating in the peacekeeping takes control of a contingent and ensures peace in the area.
                            1. Canada's longest Peacekeeping mission.
                              1. Goal is to ensure peace between Greek and Turkish Cypriots
                            2. United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
                              1. Who
                                1. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
                                  1. Boniface Alexandre, president of Supreme Court of Haiti
                                    1. Revolting citizens against the government in Haiti
                                    2. What
                                      1. Citizens revolt against the President, causing armed opposition to quickly spread, forcing the president to flee the country.
                                        1. The supreme court president temporarily takes charge and calls for help from the UN to stabilize the country.
                                        2. When
                                          1. 2004-present
                                          2. Where
                                            1. Haiti
                                            2. Why
                                              1. Many citizens accused Aristide's government party of fraud when he was elected.
                                                1. Due to the accusations, a haitian coup d'etat was held to overthrow Aristide.
                                                2. How
                                                  1. Canada has been an active participant for international peace-support, stabilization and humanitarian operations.
                                                    1. Canada contributed 66 civilian police and 5 military personnel.
                                                  2. United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda
                                                    1. Who
                                                      1. Tutsi Population
                                                        1. Hutu Population
                                                          1. Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF)
                                                            1. Rwandan Government
                                                              1. Rwandan Army
                                                                1. Rwanda dictator Juvénal Habyarimana
                                                                2. What
                                                                  1. Took place in context of the civil war, between Hutu-led government and RPF, mostly Tutsi population.
                                                                    1. Habyarimana was assassinated while in a plane, causing the genocide of the Tutsi population in Rwanda.
                                                                    2. When
                                                                      1. 1993-1996
                                                                      2. Where
                                                                        1. Rwanda
                                                                        2. Why
                                                                          1. The Hutu of Rwanda wanted to wipe out the entire Tutsi population.
                                                                          2. How
                                                                            1. Canada sent troops to Rwanda to supervise the Tutsi and Hutu populations
                                                                              1. UN Troops witness hundreds of thousands of deaths from the genocide.
                                                                                1. Peacekeeping mission was a failure but peacekeeping is still recognized today as it saved thousands of lives from the genocide.
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