

History Year 9 end of year overview
Emily T
Mind Map by Emily T, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily T
Created by Emily T about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Agricultural & Industrial Revolutions
    1. Agricultural Revolution
      1. Increase of Mining
        1. Makes tools cheaper for farms
          1. Workers are replaced by tools
            1. Unemployed farmers now emigrate to big cities like London
              1. This partially causes the industrial revolution
      2. Industrial Revolution
        1. Many potential workers in London
          1. This causes the industrial revolution
            1. Child labour was a large part of the industrial revolution
              1. Mostly took part in the factories
                1. Children were often left with deformities in later life
                  1. They were treated badly by factory owners
                    1. Robert Owen's factories were an excaption
                      1. He believed happy workers worked harder
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