Hitler's Germany - How and why was Hitler able to become Chancellor in January 1933?


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Katie Nunn
Created by Katie Nunn about 9 years ago
Jordan Clewlow
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Copied by 10msinc about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hitler's Germany - How and why was Hitler able to become Chancellor in January 1933?
  1. How and why was Hitler able to become Chancellor in January 1933?
    1. The Great Depression 1929
      1. Germany was particularly badly affected. Germany had borrowed lots of money from America and now the Americans were asking for it back..
        1. The German economy collapsed, businesses went bankrupt and huge amounts of Germans lost heir jobs.
          1. Said the Treaty of Versailles was a crime so promised to get rid of it, because of the depression, people were ready to listen.
          2. Fear of communism
            1. Lots of Germans were scared that the communists, who had also done well in the elections, would take over.
            2. German felt let down by the government (weimar)
              1. The Democratic government could not agree how to get people back to work.
                1. This led to extremist parties like the Nazis and the communists getting a lot of support.
                  1. Massive unemployment 6 million 1933
                  2. Hitler was clever
                    1. He promised things that appealed to a wide range of people.
                      1. FARMERS
                        1. BUSINESS MEN
                          1. UNEMPLOYED
                          2. He promised "WORK AND BREAD" to the millions unemployed and starving
                          3. Hitlers personality
                            1. Hitler was a very good speaker
                            2. Very well organised
                              1. They set up newspapers to print Nazi Leaflets and posters,
                                1. They set up offices to recruit loyal followers
                                  1. Hitler youth was set up to encourage young followers.
                                    1. After the disorganisation in the Reichstag, the nazi party seemed like it could take Germany out of the depression
                                    2. Elections of 1930 and 1932
                                      1. President Hindenburg had to find a new Chancellor. This should have been Hitler's job but Hindenburg didn't trust him
                                        1. He gave the job to other people first, but in the end, due to Hitler's popularity, Hindenburg had to give and and in January 1933 Hitler was declared chancellor.
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