Pre-performance routines


Pre-performance routines
Mind Map by kitkatwood, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kitkatwood over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Pre-performance routines
  1. Define and contrast pre-performance routines from rituals
    1. Routine
      1. "set pattern of physical and/or mental activities carried out immediately prior to performance with the purpose of aiding performance"
        1. generally in self paced situations with time to prepare and a stable predictable environment
        2. Ritual
          1. "a behaviour which does not have a clear technical function in the execution of skill, yet which is believed to control luck and other external factors"
            1. may be created through backward chaining of random events before performance with a successful outcome
          2. Describe the goals of a pre-performance routine
            1. Create an optimal internal state for performance
              1. Optimal emotions, confidence, focus and control
              2. Explain why pre-performance routines benefit the performance of closed, self-paced skills
                1. Why do they work?
                  1. Attentional control: divert attention from task irrelevant to task relevant cues
                    1. Warm up decrement: creates psychological and physical readiness that can be lost during rest periods
                      1. Automatic skill execution: prevents performers from conciously controlling specific movements that can inhibit smooth and co-ordinated skills
                      2. The absence of routines, lots of preparation time and no routine
                        1. Over thinking, distractions, loss of confidence, overly elated emotions
                          1. Decreased probability and consistency of good performance
                          2. Jackson & Baker (2001): case study analysing Neil Jenkins' pre-kick routine
                            1. Most physical aspects were consistent
                              1. Concentration time increased with kick difficulty
                                1. Used psychological skills such as thought stopping, cueing and imagery
                                2. Lonsdale & Tam (2007): analysed televised game footage from 2006 NBA playoffs
                                  1. Duration did not effect outcome
                                    1. If players stuck to the behaviours of their routine they were more likely to score
                                  2. Describe the characteristics of an effective routine
                                    1. Self regulation of thoughts and emotions
                                      1. Narrow, deep and sustained concentration
                                        1. Ideal self efficacy and high but attainable performance expectancies
                                          1. A quiet mind
                                            1. Optimal visual orientation to the target
                                              1. Consistency in generating a routine
                                                1. Automaticity in activating those processing that enable one to perform effortlessly, effectively and successfully
                                                2. Design a pre-performance routine for a self-paced sport situation based on the five step strategy outlined by Singer (2000)
                                                  1. Other types of routine
                                                    1. Competition routines
                                                      1. Pre (long & short term and immediate)
                                                        1. Between (rest, regroup, refocus, recharge)
                                                          1. Post (cool down)
                                                          2. Training routines
                                                            1. Mental preperation
                                                              1. Skill development
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