The Military Orders


History (The Crusades) Mind Map on The Military Orders, created by Alex Rob1nson on 02/05/2015.
Alex Rob1nson
Mind Map by Alex Rob1nson, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Rob1nson
Created by Alex Rob1nson over 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Military Orders
  1. The Hospitallers
    1. knights of the hospital of St John
      1. in 1099 when the crusaders captured Jerusalem there was a small Christian hospital of St John the Almoner
        1. grew in size when it fell into crusader hands
        2. allowed men with military skill to dedicate themselves to a religious life
          1. semi-monastic, semi-military
        3. The Templars
          1. aimed to protect pilgrims from attackers and Muslims while on their way to the holy land
            1. acted as escorts and patrolled the routes of the pilgrims
            2. recruited from knights in the holy land and pilgrims making their way to the holy land
              1. devoted themselves to the service of the poor
              2. Structure of orders
                1. the knights
                  1. chose a grand master who was of noble blood and rules with aristocratic authority
                  2. the sergants
                    1. from less aristocratic families
                    2. the clergy
                      1. under direct authority from the pope
                        1. acted as chaplains
                      2. Importance of the orders
                        1. Not important
                          1. caused the king problems
                            1. Ascalon 1153
                              1. knights templar insisted on entering city themselves which delayed it's capture for a month
                              2. Hattin 1187
                                1. grand master urged king to battle with the Muslims rather than use traditional defence tactics
                                2. alliance between Franks and assassins was proposed but grand master didn't like it so killed Rashid's envoys
                                  1. King Amalric arrested the grand master and asked the pope to remove the order of the templars
                                3. self-important and gained a reputation for greed and brutality
                                  1. kept their interests above that of the church
                                    1. their allegiance was to the papacy and not the king
                                  2. Important
                                    1. protected the poor and pilgrims by policing pilgrims routes
                                      1. being a Hospitaller allowed men to live a semi-military and semi-monastic lifestyle
                                        1. important to king
                                          1. a permanent force of highly trained men with a good knowledge of the counrty
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