Rise of the Northern Earls 1569


A-level History Mind Map on Rise of the Northern Earls 1569, created by JerryAbbott on 10/05/2015.
Mind Map by JerryAbbott, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JerryAbbott over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Rise of the Northern Earls 1569
  1. Causes
    1. Elizabeth
      1. Religious Settlement
        1. Roman Catholicism
        2. MQS
          1. Had tried to get throne Previously
            1. Roman Catholic
            2. Norfolk
              1. Succession
              2. Encouragement from Papacy
                1. Earls Against Central Government
                  1. Bad financially
                  2. Mass in Durham Cathedral
                    1. Ransacked
                    2. Elizabeths Legitimacy?
                      1. Wives Persuaded them
                      2. Failures
                        1. Leicester confessed
                          1. Forced to rebel
                            1. Summoned by Elizabeth
                              1. Rebels didn't want to rebel
                                1. Tennants
                                  1. Threatened
                          2. Norfolk and MQS in prison
                            1. Spain didn't get involved
                              1. No excommunication
                                1. 1570
                              2. Meandered
                                1. Branmore Castle
                                2. Council of the North was Loyal
                                  1. Army From the south
                                    1. Scattered the Rebellion
                                    2. Elizabeth was the rightful Heir
                                    3. Serious
                                      1. Out for queen
                                        1. Change religion
                                        2. Mass
                                          1. Possible foreign involvement
                                            1. Spanish
                                              1. Papacy
                                              2. Involves Nobility
                                                1. Had Power
                                              3. Insignificant
                                                1. 11 years into Elizabeths reign
                                                  1. No foreign Involvment
                                                    1. Rebels forced into it by land owners
                                                      1. No cause
                                                      2. Didn't reach London
                                                        1. No Battles
                                                          1. Fled
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