Mussolini's Economic Policies1925-1940


AS level Mussolini History
Daniel Mosey
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Eva Clifton
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Daniel Mosey
Copied by Daniel Mosey over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Mussolini's Economic Policies1925-1940
  1. Autarky
    1. Expensive work schemes 1930s - put the unemployed back to work, Roads, railways and power plants were built without foreign help. Italy did not suffer the effects of the Depression as bad
      1. Suffered from a massive lack of raw materials at the start of WWII - had to import materials, this was expensive and meant Italy could not match its enemies in weapons and shipbuilding
        1. Expensive military activities in Ethiopia (1935) and Spain (1937) showed limitations in Italy's military power and the failure of the Autarky programme - valuable equipment and raw materials were wasted
          1. 1925 Battle of the Grain - aimed to increase grain production so that Italy could feed itself in wartime. Grants were given to farmworkers and advised them on modern methods
            1. Grain production increased - 5.5 million tonnes in 1925 to 7 million tonnes in 1935. Imports dropped by 75%
          2. Propaganda
            1. Wheat production - increased by 100% between 1929-39, the Battle of Grain appeared successful
              1. 5,000km of railways built 1925-40 - showed strength of industry
                1. Employed a huge civil service, protected the middle class from poverty. Dopolavoro - distracted from every day life and maintained Fascist popularity during WII
                  1. National holidays introduced 1938
                    1. Battle for the Marshes - Pontine Marshes (near Rome) were a source of malaria. These were drained and farms were set up - public health improved
                    2. Living Standards
                      1. Wages fell 10% 1925-38
                        1. Food prices rose steeply and consumption of meat, fruit and vegetables fell - middle classes did better but most standards fell
                          1. Traditional exports (wine and olive oil) declined - land had been turned over to grain production. This land was unsuitable and made farming expensive, as well as food prices - many farm workers lost their jobs
                          2. Industrial Control
                            1. Large shipbuilding contracts were placed on companies - to make Italy more self sufficient. 50% of steel production and 80% of shipbuilding was under government control
                              1. Corporate state (Fascist control) was resisted by the Confindustria (big businesses) - Mussolini did not want to anger this group.
                                1. 1927 - Labour charter drawn up to support private ownership of businesses - employers controlled working and hours and didn't have to give holiday pay
                                2. Industrailists - supported Mussolini, he took a non-threatening stance towards them. They enjoyed power and independence and ignored Corporations
                                  1. Mussolini feared alienating big businesses - Ministry of Corporations became weak and ineffective, workers had little choice in labour disputes
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