How did Mussolini consolidate his position in government? 1922-1924


A Levels History (Fascist Italy 1915-1945) Mind Map on How did Mussolini consolidate his position in government? 1922-1924, created by Eva Clifton on 20/04/2014.
Eva Clifton
Mind Map by Eva Clifton, updated more than 1 year ago
Eva Clifton
Created by Eva Clifton over 10 years ago

Resource summary

How did Mussolini consolidate his position in government? 1922-1924
  1. He was given emergency powers for one year to sort out Italy's problems
    1. he doesn't change the government - instead makes deals with the church, elite, landowners and business owners
    2. He set up the Fascist Grand Council to rival the Parliamentary Cabinet
      1. He also set up a private militia and recruited from Fascist squads
      2. July 1923 - The Acerbo Law was passed - parties with 25% of the vote won 2/3rds of the seats - Fascists rigged votes
        1. 1924 elections - rivals won't unite
          1. Fascists used violence, bribery and intimidation to manipulate - Fascist voters could vote more than once
            1. 1924 - Fascists won 66% of the vote
          2. Support from the Elites
            1. They didn't want anarchy - Mussolini knew how to avoid it
              1. They believed he could restore social peace and get rid of socialism
                1. They liked his new militia and he apparently public services
                  1. He brought Italy together
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