coal mining in 19th century britain


a mind map
Dom Clark
Mind Map by Dom Clark, updated more than 1 year ago
Dom Clark
Created by Dom Clark about 9 years ago

Resource summary

coal mining in 19th century britain
  1. types of mines
    1. spiral pit
      1. bell pit
        1. adit pit
          1. trap pit
            1. horse engine
            2. dangers
              1. flooding
                1. lack of ventalation
                  1. machinery collapsing
                    1. cave-ins
                      1. gas build ups
                        1. the "black spit"
                        2. mining jobs
                          1. bearer
                            1. hewer
                              1. trapper
                                1. puller
                                2. mining act's
                                  1. 1842 commission report
                                    1. 1842 mining act
                                      1. women and children < 10
                                        1. banned from underground
                                        2. children > 15
                                          1. no winding gear
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