Indigenous Australians (Aboriginal) Culture and Beliefs


Here's an outline of the Aboriginal culture including beliefs, ceremonies, music, games and art.
Mind Map by mgay, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrea Leyden
Created by Andrea Leyden over 8 years ago
Copied by mgay over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Indigenous Australians (Aboriginal) Culture and Beliefs
  1. Aborignal Culture and Beliefs
    1. Belief Systems
      1. Dreamtime
        1. Ancient Time of Creation
          1. Present Day Reality
          2. The Rainbow Serpent
            1. Major Ancestral Being
            2. Baiame
              1. Bunjil
            3. Music
              1. Didgeridoo
                1. National Instrument
                2. Clapping Sticks
                  1. Maintain Rhythm
                3. Ceremonies
                  1. Bora
                    1. Initiation Cermony
                    2. Corroboree
                      1. Ceremonial Meeting
                      2. Smoking Cermony
                        1. Cleansing Ritual
                      3. Practices
                        1. Fire Stick Farming
                          1. Tjurunga
                            1. Churinga
                            2. Walkabout
                              1. Rite of Passage
                            3. Art
                              1. History Spanning Thousands of Years
                                1. Artists Continue Traditions
                                  1. Use Both Modern and Traditional Materials
                                2. Games
                                  1. Marn Grook
                                    1. Type of Football
                                      1. Played with Possum Hide
                                      2. Weet Weet
                                        1. Throwing the Playing Stick
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