Middle Ages Medicine


GCSE History (Medicine Through Time) Mind Map on Middle Ages Medicine, created by 9arush on 11/09/2013.
Mind Map by 9arush, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 9arush about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Middle Ages Medicine
  1. Monastries
    1. Contained a place where pilgrims,beggars & disabled could collect food & old clothes
      1. Healing believed to be the work of God
        1. Had infirmaries
          1. Had copies of books by Galen & Hippocrates
          2. Almhouses
            1. No Real medical treament
              1. Set up for the elderly, pregnant women and the weak
                1. Funded by the church
                  1. Relied on herbal remedies
                  2. Leper Hospitals
                    1. By 12th Century 20000 leper houses in Europe
                      1. Leprosy died out by 1700
                        1. NO treatment
                          1. Built to keep the lepers away from the town
                          2. Hospitals
                            1. Orginally funded by the church
                              1. Latin word Hospitalis meaning place for guests
                                1. 1st Hospital set up in AD331 by Emperor Constantine
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