Drums,Girls,& Dangerous Pie


my word map
Rose Bealer
Mind Map by Rose Bealer, updated more than 1 year ago
Rose Bealer
Created by Rose Bealer almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Drums,Girls,& Dangerous Pie
  1. Setting
    1. their house
      1. 21 century.
      2. Theme
        1. Instead of stressing over the things you can't change change what you can.
        2. Characters
          1. Jeffery
            1. Has cancer
              1. Annoying to Steven
              2. Steven
                1. Main character
                  1. Funny & sarcastic
                  2. Anate
                    1. Piano player
                      1. Friends with Steven
                    2. Main Conflict
                      1. Jeffery has cancer.
                        1. The family has financial problems,they're all stressed,and Steven starts to slack.
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