Why was there increased support for the Nazi party 1929-1932?


Edexcel GCSE History B History Mind Map on Why was there increased support for the Nazi party 1929-1932?, created by eliana72popa on 11/10/2015.
Mind Map by eliana72popa, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Anna Marcus
Created by Anna Marcus over 8 years ago
Copied by eliana72popa over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Why was there increased support for the Nazi party 1929-1932?
  1. Negative factors
    1. Fear of Communism
      1. From 1930-1932 support for the communists increased from working class. Business owners and farmers did not trust them because of their link to the Soviet Union who would but out businesses and farmers. Middle class and businessmen feared communism
      2. Weak opposition
        1. Opposition to the Nazis was weak and divided. The Communists and Social Democrats were too busy arguing to stop the Nazis. They did not offer strong or effective leadership. Politicians did not want to do anything as they feared they would make it worse
        2. Political Deal
          1. Hitler demanded to be made Chancellor. Instead Hindenburg made von Papen Chancellor. Papen had many problems as he had no support. Hindenburg was removed and replaced by Schleicher but he had no support. Papen wanted revenge. He made a deal with Hitler. Leading politicians believe that they can use Hitler's popularity
        3. Positive factors
          1. Hitler's leadership skills
            1. Hitler was a strong leader and a powerful and inspiring public speaker
            2. Nazi promises
              1. The Nazis' promises were designed to appeal to everyone. They concentrated on the issues that Germans were worried about
              2. Organisation
                1. The Nazis were very organised which impressed voters
                2. Nazi propaganda
                  1. The Nazis' propaganda was the main reason why support grew. It presented the Nazi Party as the solution to Germany's problems. They used the latest technology so were seen as modern
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